
Best Los Angeles Chiropractor hands down. My boyfriend brought to his appointment and Dr. Karr started talking to me about my back and I thought to myself, “Well, I’m here, why not?”. Dr. Karr’s adjustments were amazing and his exam was very detailed. He reviewed the xrays to me and I really understand what’s been going on with me all this time now. None of my previous doctor’s ever took xrays. Thank you

Best Chiropractor in Los Angeles or else where. Had terrific neck and low back pain. I found this office very professional and not push. They didn’t try to sell me packages and were very transparent. Very refreshing experience. I’ll be back as need. A real chiropractor who really likes what he does.

Great Massage! Thanks
Best Los Angeles Chiropractor and Massage.

I’ve been coming to this office for years and love the way they treat there patients.

I always feel welcomed and important. I recently had a massage by Vicky and it was terrific! LOVE IT!

Best of all my insurance covered it with a $10 co-pay. Yea baby…

I tried Spinal Decompression after trying everything else suggested by my ortho with no noticeable relief. A friend told me about Decompression and I found Dr. Karr to be the MOST reasonable in costs and overall appeal of the office.I am sad that it took me so long to find this treatment and wonder what I would have decided to do further if I hadn’t found it myself. (surgery?). NOT.I suggest anyone who is considering surgery to try this treatment. Dr. Karr and staff were professional and caring.

Easy Easy Easy. Great location. Free parking. Dr. Karr and staff are caring, professional and the office is very relaxing. Busy office. (Good sign) Dr. Karr went to UCLA – PLUS. Great discounts and fully equiped office.

I moved here from back east several years ago and never followed up finding a chiropractor. A friend at work told me about Dr. Karr and of course I waited till I was in trouble and needed help fast. I was taken seriously from day one. Dr. Karr understood I was in pain and started treating me that day. Did thorough exam and took xrays. I am feeling better and said to myself I would write a review only if I felt better with treatment! Guess what?

Dr. Karr is a terrific chiropractor in Los Angeles. I think the BEST i’ve been too. He did a company lecture about 3 months ago and invited me to come bye. Glad I did. I moved my files to his office!
Slam Dunk!

Who knew. Last thing on my mind, but after months and almost a year of going in circles with suggestion after suggestion and girlfriend told me about Dr. Karr. After the 1st week I noticed a difference. Geees. What’s the deal with no one suggesting Chiropractic TX?
It worked for me and I told Dr. Karr I would write a review if it helped!

I have been a friend with Dr. Karr for a long time. I work across the street at Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP with trademark law. Dr. Karr is professional and respected in the community. Yesturday one of the laywers assistant’s sent their boy friend to him and was told that he was well recieved.I have trust in the office and many of my clients go to him. In fact I meet him through my client.

I found Dr. Karr through my attorney. I was involved in a severe auto accident on 07. Head on collision. MRI revealed lumbar disc bulges and YES I had radiating pain and numbness down my legs. Meds, PT and injections didn’t work! I WOULD NEVER DO SURGERY! Dr. Karr took my case with my Med Pay and a lien.I am so happy. I feel much better! Anyone thinking about it should know, that I was not told about this treatment by my MD, I had to discover it on my own. I’m glad I was opened minded enough to do it!Thanks Dr. Karr

Karr’s office gave me good care. I had radiating pain down my legs, but after Karr ordered an MRI and started Spinal Decompression, my pain is nearly gone. I appreciate the time the office has given to me. I am happy with the results.

I tried Spinal Decompression for my Spondylolisthesis Grade II and it worked well. No more pain down my legs. Best of all my insurance paid for Spinal Decompression. I’m glad to have met Dr. Karr and avoided paying anything out of pocket. It’s worth a try. What’s the alternative right?

I was referred to Dr. Karr by my doctor for spinal decompression as a result of a car accident. Forget about Injections and Meds, this treatment is working for me. An MRI confirmed a disc bulge in my lower back which I was told was the cause of the leg pain. The treatment makes sense. Dr. Karr and his staff are upbeat, caring and professional. I have had a good experience.

For nearly a year I’ve had Plantar Fasciitis, but didn’t think of telling Dr. Karr while I was being treated. I sought treatment else where with no relief. Last month I mentioned to Dr. Karr the pain I was having was getting worse. Dr. Karr took XRays and fit me with new (leather type)orthotics. I didn’t feel comfortable in the hard plastic ones. He started doing activator work and specific adjustments for my plantar fasciitis and after the first week I had noticeable relief. More then anyone was able to give me. Now I feel at least 50% better. I didn’t think of telling Dr. Karr, but believe me I am very happy with the results. 9 months with no help made me depressed. Now I have hope and feel better. Thank you Dr. K

I’m a dental student at UCLA and I had a great experience at Dr. Karr’s office. I was referred by one of my professor, not knowing that classmate’s of mine had already gone to see him. I later found out that several of my professors refer to Dr. Karr regularly and that many of classmates have gone to see him. West LA Chiropractic offers a very fare charge for their services. As a student every penny counts. I was surprised at how quickly the pain started going away, that the adjustments were painless, and that my range of motion started to increase to more then prior to the injury itself. This was my first experience with chiropractic care and was impressed.

I transfer my care to Dr. Karr’s and was very happy. 1). This is not a work comp mill. 2). The care was definitely more than I received prior. 3). I responded well to the treatment. I like the adjustments. I needed know you could adjust a shoulder.Dr. Karr even helped me with the lower back pain I was getting from my utility belt. Nice. I recommend to all LAPD Dr. Karr’s office. Sid

I needed treatment after a slip and fall at work. Thank goodness Dr. Karr was on my workmen’s comp insurance plan. Dr. Karr helped me from day one, explaining what tretment I needed and why, and was always thorough, professional and helpful – and ON TIME! Dr. Karr helped me tremendously, even when physical therapists could not. I had an 8 month break, when my workmen’s comp benefits ran out, but then I was able to return to chiropractic after my case settled, and Dr. Karr is the chiropractor I chose to go to. Very knowledgeable with various treatments available. I always feel that I’m in great hands. Thank you to Dr. Karr, Dr. Ortiz, Betty and Seiko!!

My girlfriend and I were involved in a car accident shortly after New Years. My car was totaled. Geeez. We were lucky looking back. Went went by ambulance to the emergency room as my car was towed. Not pretty.Two days latter my cousin, who’s my attorney sent me to Dr. Karr at West LA Chiropractic. I was a bit concerned at first wondering why here? I had never been to a chiropractor before. Dr. Karr was very clear as a to what he thought I should expect as I heal. I appreciated his patience letting me repeat myself over and over again asking him the same questions. Okay, I’m slow.By the second week of care I noticed some improvements and I started to understand more what he was telling me about the adjustments and Physiotherapy. I am sold now. I highly recommend this office. Everything I think I needed was done. It’s a big office.They put my case on a lien and my cousin told me Dr. Karr is always fair when settling. I have no insurance and was admittedly concerned.Yo Yo Yo Betty

I went in not knowing the routine and what to expect. I had severe neck pain that wouldn’t go away for weeks at that point.
1) Betty gave me paperwork to fillout.
2) I sat with Dr. karr and wentover in length my problems
3) Had a good exam
4) Dr. Karr discussed why he wanted to do xrays at that point
5) Got treatment and was told to set up an appointment to go over the exam and xrays in detail with Dr. Karr and given some home instructions.I had motion picture health and welfare which they took. My first experience with a chiropractor was impressive.

I first went here in late 2005 for care and really had a terrific experience with treatment. I would say about 85-90% relief with the radiating leg pain when I started. Years later I went back for more Decompression treatment. I took a serious spill while snow boarding and the leg pain returned again. Dr’s. Karr and O were thorough and always concerned. We started strengthening exercises the second week and I explained to them the pain was subsiding. I really feel the Medx machines help with Decompression. This time I had insurance which paid for a large portion of the spinal decompression. This is a great office and you have nothing to loose by letting Dr. Karr review your findings with you and seeing the office for yourself.

There I was lying in the hospital at Cedar’s, all prepped for surgery on two small herniated discs. Facebook friends(& my Uncle who is a Doctor) all told me NOT to go thru with the surgery. I did not.
I was referred to West LA Chiropractic to learn more about decompression therapy. I have to say I was skeptical at first. I was in so much pain that I could barely walk. But being a real estate agent, I am on my feet quite a bit. My posture was clearly misaligned and it freaked me out to look at myself in the mirror. But I started my care under Dr Karr and would say within 10 days, I felt amazingly better. Not only was I in much less pain, but I could walk normal as well. My pain threshold went from a 10 to about a 4. But I continued my therapy anyhow and with conviction. And by the end of my 24 sessions, I had absolutely no pain.
I had a 7-day, 500+ mile bike ride that I had committed to and was determined to do it. Wouldn’t you know that 10 days prior to the Ride, I threw my back out again and could barely move. On May 30(Memorial Day), West LA Chiro was open for business and I found myself in the decompression therapy and Dr Karr’s care for 4 days before getting on my bike only to complete all but 1 day. Thank you for being there and for your continued guidance to a better back!

First off I would like to say thank you to Dr.Karr and his team for the wonderful service they provided me the moment I walked in the door. I came in as a walk-in and was treated like family. The whole team was kind, informative and helpful.
So I finally decided to see a specialist after months of pain in my rib area. I am so glad I saw Dr.Karr as my Chiropractor. With Dr. Karr’s expertise, he was able to diagnose the problem and use his magic hands to readjust my back and ribs. I feel fantastic after my first visit and kick myself for not coming earlier. It was also surprisingly affordable.
It was so great to see Dr.Karr actually cared for his patients. He was all ears when I spoke and his face time was invaluable. I have already recommended him to others and will continue to use West Los Angeles Chiropractic office for all my chiropractic needs. I hope other patients will be able to experience what a wonderful practice you have. Best wishes. Anton


I recently fell down a flight of stairs and was in such severe pain i couldn’t move. When i finally was able to get up and go see a Dr. i did not not know who or where i was going to go. So i called a couple friends and did some research on the internet. Both led me to Dr. Karr. His immediate warmth and sincere caring made feel comfortable upon walking in the door. After he took some time to diagnosis me he began treating my back. I went in on Monday and came out on Friday a new man and a happy man. I am still going in for follow up visits. But i feel like i have a new lease on life! God Bless you Dr. Karr!!!!

I have been going to this office for years and I know the following:
1 Large new and clean office
2 Professional and upbeat staff
3 Very fair fees
4 Monday thru Saturday
5 Offers all types of PT

Dr. Karr is a life saver. Had no idea about Spinal Decompression and that other options were available besides surgery. Do you know, none of the surgeons I saw even mentioned Spinal Decompression as a treatment. Just DRUGS, STEROIDS, and SURGERY. Hum. Those last 3 sounds pretty dangerous to me. I got relief. After all was said and done probably 80-90% better and definately livable. Professional and caring.

Dr. Karr treated me for facet syndrome and he did wonders. I strongly recommend Dr. Karr for anybody who suffers from back pain. By the end of 6 weeks I was back!

This has been a terrific office. The staff is caring and helpful. They offer treatment for lower back pain due to pregnancy and I’m very appreciative. I do not want to take drugs and the traction they do for my lower back helps. Dr. Karr does gentle adjustments also and I recommend him for anyone looking for a good office to watch over them during there pregnancy.

I’ve played sports my whole life and it has taken a toll on my body. In my older age my body started to hurt in ways that Advil could not alleviate, so I looked for an alternative way to relieve my discomfort. The main problem was intense headaches and aching in my neck. I was referred to Dr. Karr by a friend and although I don’t really believe in miracles, my headache was gone after my first visit. I have coming here for over a year and my body hurts less. I no longer need to dip into my Advil stash.

Over the years I’ve seen players from the Miami Heat and Los Angeles Clippers which is so cool. I’ve been coming since 1993 and I’m a very active person. I may not be a NBA player, but knowing that my concerns are treated and well is what it’s all about. Obviously I do if I’m still coming. I whole heartedly recommend this office for more reasons then I’ve touched off on. Great modern office – great hours – great location. Thanks Dr. K

I’ve been coming to this office for years and love the way they treat there patients. I always feel welcomed and important. I recently had a massage by Vicky and it was terrific! LOVE IT! Best of all my insurance covered it with a $10 co-pay. Yea baby…

I was recently rear ended in a car accident over the holidays. I was referred to West LA Chiropractic and have been very pleased with my care thus far. They did a top notch exam and X-rays on me. Treatment has been very thorough and comfortable. They gave me 3 attorney cards to choose from to help me with my case. I think this place a a terrific value, professional and and caring. I am happy to recommend them!

Great office and great benefits. Very professional. I am a fan for LIFE.

I thoroughly enjoy the atmosphere and the experience . ALL of the staff are very knowledgeable , and everything was explained and made simple for me . I receive text notifications to remind me of every appointment. MOST OF ALLL , IT WORKS I could hardly walk when i first visited Dr. Karr Every other place I went suggested surgery. I committed to to a light workout , and decompression at west L.A. chiropractic and surgery was eliminated from the equation!!!!!!!!!! These guys are awesome

Love the new office. Love the new color scheme and carpet. The new artwork. Dr. O is leading a great office. This is one of the few office’s that accept insurance for non surgical spinal decompression. Definitely worth trying before surgery!

Experience and compassion. My Kids look forward to coming here.

Love Love Love this office. Great services and always treated well.